The Summer Solstice is fast approaching and the light of the sun continues growing until, on June 21, 2015 it will once again meet it's apex high in the sky. First, lets start by explaining some of the historically traditional ideas surrounding the solstice from various cultures as well as its form in most Pagan and Neo-Wiccan circles. I understand that there will be variations by traditions but these seem to be almost universal concepts in general.
Historical and Traditional Pagan/Neo-Wiccan Views:
Fire light abounds on Summer Solstice today just as it did in times past. The lighting of bonfires and fire torches act as forms of imitation magick symbolizing the healing and life-giving powers of the sun in the sky. In some ancient cultures wooden wheels were set aflame and rolled down the hills to symbolizes the sun as it is born in the east and descends into the western skies at dusk. It is a time to revel in the triumph of the sun's light over the darkness which, for our ancient ancestors, was a very powerful symbol of Life and it's ability to overcome the obstacles faced over the cold, dark winter months. We often take for granted the changing seasons in our current modern age but for the ancients the seasons and it's changes often meant life and death literally. Many cultures celebrated Summer Solstice and it played an important role for them, especially for those of the Norse culture where their winters were long, dark and very harsh.While Summer Solstice honors the sun it also honors the flowing waters of the Goddess (bringing about a peak of both energies) in honor of her cooling and cleansing waters that we today (and especially our ancestors needed) to stave off droughts of crops during particularly harsh, hot summer weather.
As the longest day of the year approaches and the weather warms us we spend more time socializing, we feel invigorated and motivated by our projects and ideas. There is a slew of activity that always seems abuzz and there is much joy and laughter. Charms for protection are commonly made at this time. In Roman culture women often left offerings to the Goddess Vesta (Goddess of hearth and home) asking for blessings on their homes and families. This is also an auspicious time to have weddings were we may ask for the blessings of the God/Goddess to bring us longevity, abundance, fertility, wealth and health.
In some traditions this is a night to invoke the energy of the faeries and of nature spirits to bless our work and to draw us closer to the magick deep in the earth. Oak trees are seen as powerful symbols of the God in his time as King, as in the Oak King, and in Celtic Lore the Oak's sacred month is June for this very reason.
However, just as the sun reaches it's zenith on this night so to does it bring about some sadness because we know that the following day will herald the sun's decline in the sky. Though we may not think about it at first the days will slowly begin to turn darker once again. The Oak King is seen as a gatekeeper in this way, at Summer Solstice, just as he too acts as the gatekeeper during the time of Winter Solstice though of opposing forces. During Winter Solstice he looks through the gateway (in his form as Holly King) to see his rebirth, the life that sits before him ready to be actualized and fruitful, just as the high school graduate reflects upon their next chapter in life to college and beyond. So too does the Oak King look out from the gate on Summer Solstice night, however, he is reflecting on his decline and the waning of his powers and descent into the deep void of the Dark Womb of the Goddess where he will be later sacrificed so that he may once again be reborn of the Mother. Sacrifice of the Old God giving way to the birth of the new God is a common symbol in many groups.
The Religious Order of Witchcraft View of Summer Solstice:
Within ROOW we have a different view of Our Goddess and Our God surrounding the changing seasons. It is during the Spring Equinox that Our Goddess takes on the lead and comes into Her own. This is the time of Our Goddess's Rule, where she is at her peak and holds power. While the Sun is at its Apex, it is the Goddess in Her guise as Mother Earth who flows with the abundance of growth, life and celebration. It is during the warmer months that Our Goddess is in Rule. I must admit that this is a concept that I had difficulties when I felt began my training within ROOW. I was constantly stuck on the fact that the Goddess is lunar, while the God is solar and only viewed it mainly from the aspects of the sky. However, it is important to remember that the Goddess is not only lunar, she is also the Earth and flowing waters of life. She is the world made Manifest on the physical plane.At this time the earth is awake and alive. Her body yields up it's fruits to nourish our bodies, minds and spirits for without Her we could not sustain our bodies in this world. I should point out that within ROOW there is no sacrifice of the God in any way. The Goddess and the God are seen as two balanced opposites. One half of the year is ruled by Our Goddess, where her power and energies reign supreme but like the cycles of the seasons, and from day to night to day again the God takes up power the second half of the year where his energies will be at their highest and he will be in Power. It is in the dark half of the year that Our God is in rule until the changing tides bring the Goddess once again to her seat of Power. It is a delicate balance of light and dark, life and death, thought and action when unmanifest becomes made manifest.
It is important within ROOW that we not only look at the Sabbats as they relate to the natural world around us but it's reflection within us as well. As above/ so below, the Macrocosm and the Microcosm are but one. A smaller version of the larger piece of the puzzle that is the Universe. We take this time to become aware of the many blessings that have been manifested in our own lives throughout the year cycle. Just as the Mother Earth birthed forth anew in life so to do we enter the same process on a personal scale every year as we to move through the many changes of our lives. We give thanks for all that we have accomplished, we ask for many more blessings to come in our lives and we enjoy our families, friends and enjoy this time of celebration in all it's glory.
Below is a small list of some associated God/Goddesses and symbols for Summer Solstice:
Gods: Sol, Ra, Helios, Apollo, Horus
Goddesses: Juno, Vesta, Minerva, Hestia, Isis
Direction: South
Angel: Archangel Michael
Plants, Herbs and Resins: Amber, Frankincense, Myrrh, Rue, Oak, Mistletoe , Mint, Basil, Hyssop, Lavender, St. John's Wort, Rowan, Dragon's Blood, Sage and Pine
Stones: Citrine, Clear Quartz, Amber, Garnet, Tiger's Eye and Yellow Tourmaline
Colors: Yellow, Gold, Orange
Magickal Workings/Celebrations: Blessings of home/family and for health, Protection, Weddings and all celebrations of hope, joy and achievements made
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Full Dyad Moon 2015
Full Dyad Moon
Blessed Full Moon to everyone! Tonight is the Full Dyad Moon which falls under the sign of Sagittarius. During the full moon we honor the Goddess of Earth, Moon and Water. For me currently, I am working with the Goddess Hekate and I am having some interesting results which I will share at a later time. This blog post however, I wanted to just share a bit of info on this particular moon. Every full moon, while a great time to work with and manifest anything one needs,it is also unique depending on the sign that it falls under. If you also work a lot with the Planetary Hours and Days of the Week, of which I do, then you can also correlate the Day of the Week and even down to the Planetary hour to harness even more energy into what you need most!
With the full moon in Sagittarius this is a great time to really work with our deeper emotional selves. It is common under this particular full moon for people to be drawn to past emotional hurts and pains bringing them to the surface and dwelling on them. However, with the aid of the lunar energies we can channel this energy to take a more active approach to awareness and being in the moment. By bringing our awareness to this present point in time, we can then see ourselves as we are right here and right now. We can use this moon to heal the past and to manifest our greatest spiritual desires!
We can also look to the full moon landing on a Tuesday to assist us even further in our endeavors. The day Tuesday is ruled by the planet Mars and is a powerful influence in attaining victory in all matters but especially in legal challenges as well as igniting passions that may have seemed to fizzle out in our relationships or just in any area of life that requires our creative passions to fuel our work.
Due to the full moon in Sagittarius the energy of Mars can be used to push through victoriously in claiming victory over inner struggles connected to the past pain that we may continue to carry to the detriment of our present situations. It is so easy to allow old pain and hurt to dictate our actions years later when they no longer serve us in any positive capacity.
No matter how you choose to Honor the Goddess or what you wish to manifest under this full moon be sure to utilize all astrological and planetary influences to better attune to the lunar force and to make manifest your deepest desires and dreams!
Blessing Be!
Lady Stacey
Blessed Full Moon to everyone! Tonight is the Full Dyad Moon which falls under the sign of Sagittarius. During the full moon we honor the Goddess of Earth, Moon and Water. For me currently, I am working with the Goddess Hekate and I am having some interesting results which I will share at a later time. This blog post however, I wanted to just share a bit of info on this particular moon. Every full moon, while a great time to work with and manifest anything one needs,it is also unique depending on the sign that it falls under. If you also work a lot with the Planetary Hours and Days of the Week, of which I do, then you can also correlate the Day of the Week and even down to the Planetary hour to harness even more energy into what you need most!
With the full moon in Sagittarius this is a great time to really work with our deeper emotional selves. It is common under this particular full moon for people to be drawn to past emotional hurts and pains bringing them to the surface and dwelling on them. However, with the aid of the lunar energies we can channel this energy to take a more active approach to awareness and being in the moment. By bringing our awareness to this present point in time, we can then see ourselves as we are right here and right now. We can use this moon to heal the past and to manifest our greatest spiritual desires!
We can also look to the full moon landing on a Tuesday to assist us even further in our endeavors. The day Tuesday is ruled by the planet Mars and is a powerful influence in attaining victory in all matters but especially in legal challenges as well as igniting passions that may have seemed to fizzle out in our relationships or just in any area of life that requires our creative passions to fuel our work.
Due to the full moon in Sagittarius the energy of Mars can be used to push through victoriously in claiming victory over inner struggles connected to the past pain that we may continue to carry to the detriment of our present situations. It is so easy to allow old pain and hurt to dictate our actions years later when they no longer serve us in any positive capacity.
No matter how you choose to Honor the Goddess or what you wish to manifest under this full moon be sure to utilize all astrological and planetary influences to better attune to the lunar force and to make manifest your deepest desires and dreams!
Blessing Be!
Lady Stacey
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