Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Full Dyad Moon 2015

Full Dyad Moon

Blessed Full Moon to everyone!  Tonight is the Full Dyad Moon which falls under the sign of Sagittarius. During the full moon we honor the Goddess of Earth, Moon and Water.  For me currently, I am working with the Goddess Hekate and I am having some interesting results which I will share at a later time.  This blog post however, I wanted to just share a bit of info on this particular moon.  Every full moon, while a great time to work with and manifest anything one needs,it is also unique depending on the sign that it falls under. If you also work a lot with the Planetary Hours and Days of the Week, of which I do, then you can also correlate the Day of the Week and even down to the Planetary hour to harness even more energy into what you need most!

With the full moon in Sagittarius this is a great time to really work with our deeper emotional selves.  It is common under this particular full moon for people to be drawn to past emotional hurts and pains bringing them to the surface and dwelling on them.  However, with the aid of the lunar energies we can channel this energy to take a more active approach to awareness and being in the moment.  By bringing our awareness to this present point in time, we can then see ourselves as we are right here and right now.  We can use this moon to heal the past and to manifest our greatest spiritual desires! 

We can also look to the full moon landing on a Tuesday to assist us even further in our endeavors. The day Tuesday is ruled by the planet Mars and is a powerful influence in attaining victory in all matters but especially in legal challenges as well as igniting passions that may have seemed to fizzle out in our relationships or just in any area of life that requires our creative passions to fuel our work.
Due to the full moon in Sagittarius the energy of Mars can be used to push through victoriously in claiming victory over inner struggles connected to the past pain that we may continue to carry to the detriment of our present situations.  It is so easy to allow old pain and hurt to dictate our actions years later when they no longer serve us in any positive capacity.

No matter how you choose to Honor the Goddess or what you wish to manifest under this full moon be sure to utilize all astrological and planetary influences to better attune to the lunar force and to make manifest your deepest desires and dreams!

Blessing Be!
Lady Stacey

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