1. Keep Your Word - This may seem like a mundane obvious statement but it really does apply to the Witch. As Witches we understand that our Word is extremely important. The spoken word is in and of itself an act of magick. What we say can repel or attract people and situations to us, it can build a friendship or destroy one. It can determine whether or not you are to be trusted. Maybe this isn't an issue to some people on a day to day basis but it will matter when working with the spirits. Within ROOW we know the importance of establishing a strong relationship with the spirits who assist us in our ritual and magickal workings. If a Witch can't keep her word when she says she will do something then just like with people the spirits will in turn begin to distrust us and will be unlikely to aid with our workings. If you say you are going to do it then make sure you follow through. If you aren't sure then say so. Honesty is always important.
2.Always Seek to Know More -
3. Check You Ego at the Door - This is a big one. People of all walks of society fall prey to it and the world of magick and the occult is no exception. It is actually common and expected that at some point in time the Witch will face his/her ego. Some ego is healthy and normal but if left unchecked it can cause one's sense of self become inflated and a guru mentality can occur. Obviously, witchcraft is not a religion of gurus. We always look to uplift each other if and when possible. If you notice your sense of power and self becoming a bit more than normal just take a second to remember that you are a Witch not a God and remember that ultimately we serve the Spirit. Which brings me to number 4.
4. Serve the Spirit First - For some of you, depending on your tradition, this may mean your particular God or Gods. Within ROOW we refer to the One Eternal Spirit and in this regard one should always remember that their first task is to ALWAYS serve the Spirit. Everything else is secondary. Remembering this will actually help you in all of the above instances as well.
5. Remember the Importance of Study and Research - This topic is one that can go many ways. I understand that Witchcraft is in many ways a practice that relies on intuition and practical experience. These elements are very important and can be lacking in todays world. However, don't forget the importance of research and study. It may not matter to you how the ancients viewed Hekate back in the day but understanding her origins and how she was viewed and worshiped will deepen your work with her. You may not personally be a fan of the old grimoires but without them we would never have evolved to what the occult and witchcraft is today. The old ceremonial magick influenced today's Wicca and the New Age movement in many ways. There work may seem obscure but if you study them and look beneath the surface you may find that they still offer a lot to the seeker and practitioner today.
6. Maintain Humility - This may be one that surprises people the most. I was taught to always remember that a Witch should maintain humility. Again, this is somewhat mirrored the above statements but feel it needs it's own section because I feel it is the most important and most often lacking in the community. No matter our titles or ranks within our own traditions at the end of the day we are all doing our best to serve the Spirit in our own ways. Some of us have more experience, some of us may be more well known in the community. Some of us have small covens and some of us have large covens while others serve as solitaries in their own way. At the end of the day we are all learning and growing. Even the biggest grand pooba is human, has problems and areas of their lives that are not perfect and where they need to grow. Always remember that you too were once a new Witch and be kind to others of the Craft.
One an end note I would like to add something here. This applies more to those who teach the Craft but I feel needs being said. We as teachers, Witches and clergy must always strive to teach our students as well as or better than we were taught. A good teacher always wants their students to excel and to exceed them in the Craft. We don't see our students as competition or always try to one up them so we can feel superior or better. This serves no one and definitely does little to serve the Spirit.
I hope these views have given you food for thought. Blessed Be!