ROOW is a unique Witchcraft tradition. It is heavily influenced by Ceremonial magick (in some ways may resemble a magickal order) and yet is balanced with the workings of folk magick (hense the name of the book). She was greatly inspired by and influenced by people such as Israel Regardie, Aleister Crowly, E. A. Budge etc..however, living in New Orleans brought it's own magickal feel with its influence of the religion of Voodoo and magical practice of Hoodoo. Please keep in mind that while our tradition was influenced by Voodoo and Hoodoo ( in terms of working with the spirits and folk magick) we do not now, nor have we ever taught either of these practices. Voodoo is a beautiful religion in it's own right that has it's own methods of teaching and practice that is unique and different from that Witchcraft. One could certainly combine Hoodoo magick with Witchcraft but would require special training by a Hoodoo Practitioner. Hoodoo has it's own style of working that requires one and one training with a practitioner to master. So while it is compatible with our work we do not teach it as part of our Witchcraft Order. As for low magick Oneida's favorite and most used kind of magick was candle magick. She used it for a few good reasons. It is easy to do, fairly inexpensive requiring little in the way of fancy tools and it is effective!
Ceremonial Magick seems to be the area that can throw off potential students of ROOW. Our rituals and training are very structured and demand a lot our of our members. The Ceremonial aspect of the Order connects us to the Eternal Spirit and helps us, over time, to begin the inner workings of transmutation that are necessary to achieve a state of magickal and spiritual competency. Folk magick gives us a myriad set of tools needed to be an effective witch. Working with the spirits, angels, intelligences etc provides a working relationship on a daily basis to meet all of our spiritual and magickal needs. In essence our Order is best described as Hermetic, Esoteric and Gnostic in it's approach. It was very common practice for Oneida to use her Bible for magickal workings and we still to this day require our students to have a copy of the Bible. Teachings also include work with the Qabalah as well.
So we are different from many of the Witchcraft groups out there but we do provide a solid approach to magick and ritual for the student who shares an interest in not only low magick but of high magick as well. To Oneida there was no distinction in the type of magick used. In her book on page. 39 she, herself, defines the word Witch as "female magician of power and skill"! We gain that power and skill through research, study, practice and a lot of hard work. The seeker will always be looking to push themselves to the next level in all areas of magick and spiritual practice. The witch is always learning and growing and never stops. Anyone who tells you they know everything knows nothing and those who carry multiple titles usually are, as the saying goes, "a jack of all trades and a master of none." No matter what path you take stick with it and learn as much as you can and become a master at it. The Religious Order of Witchcraft's system will not be for everyone but we will continue to teach and be here for those who feel called to serve the Spirit and we will continue to do so as Oneida Toups envisioned it!
This is my first blog in a while to get my writing creativity going. I will be working on more blogs that center around types of magick in the future!
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